The Oasis
Everywhere Reach
Oasis Everywhere is virtual teaching center without walls.
Our Locations & Centers
The Oasis experience is driven by our on-line footprint. Therefore, the gateway to the experience for the vast majority of our associates and partners starts here. Below you will see the cities that we are currently in and “Gathering” monthly.
Although we may not have a physical footprint in your community, we have established on-line programing to accommodate you; wherever you are domiciled and your availability to participate. Take a moment and check out what is going on below.

Atlanta, Ga
The Atlanta community is one our fastest communities of growth. We are currently looking for an ideal location to host our monthly “Gathering”, If you are in the ATL area and desire to be kept abreast of the activities taking place in and around Atlanta click on the photo and join the mailing list.
Chicago, IL.
The Chicago community is the founding community of Oasis Spiritual Center. We meet monthly in the western suburbs. If you’re in the Chicago area and would like to join us or stay updated on our activities, click the photo above to join our mailing list.
St. Louis, Mo.
The St. Louis location is our most recent community expansion. We are excited to announce the launch of the St. Louis New Thought Center on Sunday, August 18, 2024. Join us at the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, 2711 Locust Street, from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. for an hour of power, positivity, and possibility. If you’re interested in more information or in becoming part of this community, please click the link below or contact us directly. We look forward to welcoming you!
Science of Successful Living Seminar Sunday
Experience something good and unexpected every Sunday morning! Each week, I present a 30-minute inspiring message via Zoom, followed by a 15-minute interactive dialogue with participants. After the presentation, members of the Science of Successful Living mailing list receive a playback of the teaching along with a practical application assignment for the week.
Join our community to benefit from weekly insights and actionable steps towards your spiritual and personal development. Your growth is deeply connected to your commitment to “The Work.”
To join the mailing list and be part of this transformative journey, click the link below. We look forward to welcoming you!

Morning Meditation
An excellent way to start your day. This is not your traditional prayer line. Each morning Monday through Friday from 6:00 – 6:15 a.m. cst join the prayer community as we start our day in a very positive and deliberate manner. The call is 15 minutes in duration.
The call includes:
-a short guided breathing exercise,
-a prophetic word and scripture for the day,
-a 5 minute inspiring meditation,
-a corporate affirmation statement,
-a corporate prayer treatment.
-At the conclusion of the call individual prayer treatment is provided for participants that remain on the line for specific prayer. All participants will receive the affirmation to your mobile phone or email address.
The dial-in information is:
1. Dial into the conference line:
Dial-in Number: (518) 318- 7801 United States
For 24/7 customer service please call 844-844-1322
Certain Carriers Note: Some carriers like T-Mobile requires you to dial 206-451-6088 followed by the dial-in number and access code when prompted, to avoid charges
Each Tuesday starting September 3, 2024from 7-8 p.m. CST, get your notepads, Bibles, and/or book of the month as we study the scriptures and sacred texts for their exoteric and esoteric meanings. The goal of this time together is to exegete and apply the scriptures contextually in a manner that empowers and equips believers in their personal transformation.
To receive webinar participation information, you must be registered. This teaching is exclusively for registered participants and ministry partners.